Thursday, February 14, 2013

Walter Theodore

On February 13, at 2:42 am, we welcomed little Walter into our family. He decided to wait a bit longer than any of the others, which made mom a little nervous, but he finally decided he would brave this crazy family and join us!!!! Our plan all along was to have our friend and midwife, Jan, deliver little man. However, she had to be in Kalkaska Wednesdays and Fridays, so so we were very strategic about encouraging things along! When I went into the office on Tuesday I was 3 cm. Jan was hopeful that I would go in that night as long as she could make it to K by 10:00 the next am. My contractions (which I have the entire pregnancy) continued the rest of the day/night but were somewhat irregular. Jan and I texted back and forth until about 11 when I told her I was going to bed. Well that lasted about an hour. The pain got worse and I could not rest. Things were still irregular but Scott encouraged me to just go to the triage to get checked. So we texted Jan and met her in OB about 1 am. My sister Sarah and mom met us there as well. Isabelle and Amelia also joined us. Once to triage, the nurse initially thought I had not made much progress but Jan then checked and realized that I was about 5-6 cm and got me into a tub room. I labored in the room on the birth ball for a while and then decided to try the tub. Almost immediately after being in the tub, my water broke and I was ready to push! In a mad scramble to get staff in there and me back in the bed (Munson does not love water births at this point :)), he came out just a few minutes later. It was fast and furious and I had no epidural, which I never have with any of them. It makes it so nice because I feel so great after and don't have to wait for that stuff to wear off. Little Teddy (we all call him something different, either Walter, Wally or Teddy) landed on his Mommy's chest at 2:42 am with the cutest, squeakiest cry ever!!!! He is just stunning and his hair is out of control!!!! We are so blessed to have had Jan there, the girls, my mom and sister, as well as all of the wonderful nurses! I could not have asked for a better birth!! Jan came back that night and had Slabtown Burger with us. Yum!!! So appreciative of her willingness to deliver even though she was not on call. And also thankful to Dr. John Gorman for doing Teddy's checks and procedure for us! Thank God for wonderful friends!!!!

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