Monday, December 9, 2013

Pumpkin Muffins with Walter

In the midst of making 8 doz pumpkin and chocolate chip muffins for various kid snacks, activities, friends, etc, Walter needed his pumpkin treat too! Here's to a pumpkin and banana wafer. I think I'll stick with the muffins myself...

Happy Halloween!

This was probably the quickest Halloween ever in terms of trick or treating. It poured rain and we made it for about a half hour. Walter cried and we had to run down Sixth street as he screamed in the stroller to seek shelter at the Cueters! We literally stripped kids down with all costumes soaked. Definitely a Halloween to remember! It actually cut down on all the candy the kids got so that's a positive! As far as what the kids were, Isabelle was Big Bird, Amelia was Elmo, Preston was a football player, Oliver was Spider Man, Elijah was Michealangelo and Walter was Elmo's goldfish. The girls actually dressed up with their friends who were Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch. 
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