Sunday, March 2, 2008

little things they say...

So we were riding in the car the other day, just Scott, Preston and myself. Preston thinks that every yellow car he sees is Bumblebee (Transformers) so he always lets us know when we pass one. Preston sure enough tells us that he just saw Bumblebee pass us. So I ask him, "did Bumblebee wave to you?" At first he looked at me and thought about before responding, "Mama, Bumblebee does not have hands!" I guess when Bumblebee is a car he doesn't have hands. :) The next day Isabelle, Amelia and i were in the car. Isabelle was asking me the specifics about the various colors on the stop lights and what they mean when they are blinking. I explained it to her and she then said, "well mom when you are sitting at the blinking red light you could write a check or a grocery list if you need to get that done." How sweet!!

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