Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oliver's Book...

We have been so thankful for Mrs. Summers. She has made a definate impact on Oliver and Preston's lives both in an educational and emotional way. Oliver would rather be at her house than ours. She lets him catch frogs, takes him fishing, hikes with him in the woods, sings "The Lord is Good to Me" with him, let's him ride down her HUGE grass hill on a Big Wheel, does feather painting with him, makes Stone Soup, and best of all, facilitates book writing. We are addicted to books in our house. Borders is one of our favorite places to visit. We have hundreds of books in our house. Picture books, board books, chapter books, parenting books, cookbooks, and the list goes on. We read ALL the time. The kids are very good readers, even Preston. He was reading at age 4 when he left Mrs. Summers program. So Oliver now gets to participate in this wonderful program. He writes and illustrates his own books, in his own words. Here is an example of his first one. My favorite part is "Here is my foot for my piggy toes on." Yes, I am in love with baby feet. We call them piggy toes. :) I will continue to post the new books he completes to see the progress.

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