Preston received a Polar Express Lionel train from his Papu last year and we were unable to set it up until this year. Preston had "begged" Scott for days to set up his train. Finally, the time came and it happened. I mean I have never seen that boy's light up as much as they did! It must have been 9:00 pm when the thing was finally chugging away with the smoke blowing and the horn sounding. Preston immediately had to call Papu and have him come over and see his train! The pictures say it all...
This is the story of my life with my amazing husband and five of the most incredible gifts I have been given: my children. This was created as a tool for me to record and share all of the beautiful and funny memories of our family. It serves as an outlet for me to reflect on the day and various events. I consider this "therapeudic, " like a diary. I hope you love it as much as I do and find joy in the everyday events (and challenges) of a family of 7!
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