So I know this is a little out of order, but the kids of course had parties at school! As always, they were fun filled (and sugar filled as well). The kids do a music concert and also a morning of Christmas Around the World. This is where the fifth graders each choose a country and study their traditions. They then transform the gym into one big ethnic festival. It was truly amazing. These kids learned so much and really went all out. They wore costumes, made food, did activities, etc. so that all of the younger children could immerse themselves in the learning as well. Each of the other grades came in one at a time and had to check off each country as they went. They received a stamp upon completion of that country. I truly appreciate all of the extra things their school does to give our kids these experiences!
This is the story of my life with my amazing husband and five of the most incredible gifts I have been given: my children. This was created as a tool for me to record and share all of the beautiful and funny memories of our family. It serves as an outlet for me to reflect on the day and various events. I consider this "therapeudic, " like a diary. I hope you love it as much as I do and find joy in the everyday events (and challenges) of a family of 7!
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