Well, this week has definitely been interesting. Isabelle was in the ER Sat night with wheezing, Ollie cried the next night for 5 hours straight and we then went to the ER at 4:00 am. Scott came back only to tell me that they sent him home finding nothing. Have you ever felt like you wanted to scream at the doctor because you KNOW there is something wrong and you have a mother's intuition? That was me. Oliver continued to cry the rest of the night, morning, afternoon. Finally, I called Rebecca (my friend, our doctor) and told her I was coming over. I had all 4 kids in the car and I knew something was not right. I also called Scott and told him he needed to get on the next plane home. We arrived at the office, my mom met us there, and Ollie and I were seen. Rebecca found several blisters on the back of his throat and sent us to the hospital for blood work and an ultrasound. He also had not eaten or drank really anything in almost 24 hours. So, we got the results back, and all fine. However, he is still very irritable and is not eating much. We are cutting out dairy to see if the constant abdominal pain and no sleeping gets better.
Anyway, the first day of school was great for those who went! Isabelle and Preston were the only ones who attended. Amelia stayed home with a fever and sore throat. Isabelle loves her teacher, Mrs. Kelly and Preston loves Mrs. Summers. He is now in an all day program and so I am really only home with Ollie most of the time. It is bitter sweet...
We have started Chore Charts since we have little critters (see upcoming post) and each child needs to care for them. We have also already had a case of the "missing backpack" and we need checklists in all the cubbies to remind each one to get their own stuff. Mom cannot remember everything. :) I have lists on my board of who wants hot/cold lunch, who has library, who has a field trip or school store, etc. Amelia could run her own household and is better organized than I, but we then have the other ones who are TOTALLY dependent on anyone who will help! So, we are in full swing, next week starts dance, gymnastics, ice skating, and piano. Gotta love schedules! Did I just say that I was ready for summer to be done? What was I thinking? Somehow I think I thrive on chaos...
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