Well, my baby is one. Yes, one year old and he knows it. It is like the morning of August 26 he change into a toddler and began climbing the shelves, making boy noises (not all attractive) and just WILD. He is such a spitting image of Amelia, it scares me. I remember when Milla was a baby, I would have to just walk away and take 10 deep cleansing breaths. It took all my might not to lose it. It is still that way, except Amelia has the kindess, most genuine heart. She makes you melt. I could not ask for a more affectionate, empathetic daughter. Back to Oliver, he had his party yesterday with our family and friends and he LOVED the attention. He had the BEST cake ever and I could hardly cut it because it was so stinkin cute! He got some very special things including books, clothing, a monogrammed antique rocker and a pottery barn monogrammed chair. He is such a big boy and had a wonderful time with his cousins and friends. After the party, we went to Mimi and Papu's to the pool and have a barbeque. The kids also played with all the dogs and swam their hearts out. It is so nice that they live a mile down the road. We cannot wait until Sarah and Andy and Jon and Kristy live right down the road as well. We can have our tv shows nights and walks, etc. YEAH! Please enjoy the pics!!!
1 comment:
Hey Heather, the parenting classes I teach don't really have a book they coincide with, just stuff I've learned through the years, mostly things that I duplicate from my parents. They have written a bunch of books about all their stuff and I guess I kind of have soaked it all in. I love hearing and sharing motherhood ideas. Check out blissfullivingstudio.com for more information.
On the necklace note, my friend made those necklaces. She's awesome. Her name is Angie Brown and her phone number is 480-545-0311. I'm not sure where you live, but I bet she could send you whatever you'd order. Let me know if you have other questions.
p.s. happy birthday to Oliver!!
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