Wednesday, November 21, 2012

National Adoption Day

In celebration of National Adoption Day, Elijah, Isabelle, Mimi, Abuela, Papu and myself attended a luncheon which was also the retirement party of Judge Stowe. Judge Stowe was a significant part of our journey to adopt Eli. It is not often that an adoption is expedited except for special circumstances. However, at our initial hearing at 21 days post birth, Judge Stowe witnessed our family, along with the Menchaca family, sitting together in the courtroom taking turns holding Eli. It was then that he announced to our case worker that it is very rare that he experiences such a "true" open adoption situation. We were just that. He agreed to the petition to finalize our adoption three years ago on National Adoption Day. It would have normally been about another four months of waiting. There is not a day that goes by that we are not thankful for the selfless, most priceless gift we were ever given. Mimi chose life and made a sacrifice of which is unimaginable for most of us. So, here is Eli, three years later. Pretty soon he will know and understand everything. But, for now, he was just happy to have balloons and a cupcake!

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