Oliver is the second August birthday. He is FOUR!! Oh Ollie I still remember the night you were born. I barely made it to the hospital! None of the staff was ready and I stood in the hallway ready to deliver you with no room and out walked "Mr John" (Mohrhardt) from another room. I still remember the look on his face when he saw me in a condition that he will probably never forget. (I am pretty sure of that) You came into this world in a hurry and you have not stopped since. As soon as you were delivered, Mr. John and Ms. Kristy came in and saw you before anyone else. They took pictures and it was a big party shortly after midnight. You were such a peanut and oh so dark and cute. Your sisters and brothers were VERY excited to hear that you were a boy and Preston was glad he was not the only boy anymore. Here you are, four years later and still a little peanut. But your personality is so BIG! The things you say and the sensitivity you show touches everyone's heart. The things I love about you:
1. The way you randomly tell me that you love me.
2. The way you tell me to sing you "Edelweiss" when you wake up scared in the night. (Scott sings him Edelweiss and the MSU Shadows song every night before bed)
3. The empathy you show everyone and your willingness to say "sorry"
4. Your toes. I love your toes.
Of course there is more to love but I could go on and on. You are a gift and a true blessing, Oliver. We love you!
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