I have to sit and reflect on the events of the past year. There are so many reasons to be happy and thank God for everything we have been blessed with. It is so easy to take for granted so many things. We have really been trying to instill in the children gratefulness. I am reading a book called "Growing Grateful Kids" and it really makes you think about how the things we say to our kids just in day to day life can affect their attitude. We have so many things to be grateful for, including each other and family. This leads me to someone: Elijah. Man, did we get lucky. This boy brings so much sunshine and laughter to our family. The kids (especially Preston) run to his room the minute he wakes up. It is literally a race to see who can get him first. Our kids have been told everything about the adoption and openness has been the rule. Of course they are careful not to make him feel like he is not one of them. On the flip side, he needs to know where he came from and his heritage. He is one fortunate kid. The love he gets from everyone around and the love the other four get from this "branch" of family we have stumbled upon is amazing. They do not realize how blessed we are that things have happened the way they have. Not all situations are like ours. Eli is now 1 and I have to step back and remember the last year of events. He is walking everywhere and eating EVERYTHING. He always wears a smile and lives for his siblings. I think I see the biggest bond between he and Preston. Preston seems to have a connection with him that is really unique. Just look at the pictures from birth until now. There has been a tremendous amount of growth in all of our kids, but especially our littlest.
Adoption Day in the courtroom.
Oh how we cherish you little ELi!
This is the story of my life with my amazing husband and five of the most incredible gifts I have been given: my children. This was created as a tool for me to record and share all of the beautiful and funny memories of our family. It serves as an outlet for me to reflect on the day and various events. I consider this "therapeudic, " like a diary. I hope you love it as much as I do and find joy in the everyday events (and challenges) of a family of 7!
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