The week before Isabelle turned 8, her teacher had a celebration for her. The tradition at Montessori is that we bring in a healthy snack and a timeline of the last 7 years. Isabelle then stands in the center of all her classmates, holds the globe and walks around the circle 7 times. Each circle is one year of her life. The teacher also lights a candle in the center that Isabelle blows out at the end. It is a really neat way for her classmates to get to know more about her. Isabelle chose frog cupcakes out of her Princess Tiana cookbook and we spend quite a while making them! She said some of them were frogs and some were tree frogs, since we ran out of green eyes!
This is the story of my life with my amazing husband and five of the most incredible gifts I have been given: my children. This was created as a tool for me to record and share all of the beautiful and funny memories of our family. It serves as an outlet for me to reflect on the day and various events. I consider this "therapeudic, " like a diary. I hope you love it as much as I do and find joy in the everyday events (and challenges) of a family of 7!
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