I was a bit nervous at the thought of our five children going to visit Santa and getting them to take a "decent" photo. Most of them at one point or another have been petrified-Ollie was last year, or just will not take a picture on demand (my eldest). We joined my dad at the TC Country Club this year and the kids had a blast. Many of their friends were there and they loved making cookies and smearing beautiful, bright frosting on themselves. Ollie loved pouring out entire jars of sprinkles! As you can see from the pictures, the kids were totally comfortable with santa. I was so excited to get these pics since it is not often that they all cooperate!!!
This is the story of my life with my amazing husband and five of the most incredible gifts I have been given: my children. This was created as a tool for me to record and share all of the beautiful and funny memories of our family. It serves as an outlet for me to reflect on the day and various events. I consider this "therapeudic, " like a diary. I hope you love it as much as I do and find joy in the everyday events (and challenges) of a family of 7!
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