So here he is. The wild man that is taking after his older sister Amelia more and more every day! He is a little spitfire! He, at exactly 14 months, has cut 2 more bottom teeth, 3 molars and is taking 7-8 steps walking by himself. Yep, one day he just stood up in the middle of the kitchen floor and took off. Preston yelled "Ollie's walking!." He has gained 2 WHOLE POUNDS in one month since being on a gluten free diet! He does have a double ear infection and a cold but he is sleeping extremely well and our little hair ball is HAPPY!
Here are his famous sayings and doings:
Holding the phone to his ear and saying "hi"
Taking both shoes and socks off the MINUTE you put them on him (thanks to GiGi)
Getting in the shower when it is wet with all his clothes on and crawling around
Unloading all of the tupperware drawers
Falling asleep with ANYTHING hanging out of his mouth
Giving a kiss with puckered lips when asked to do so
Using sign language to ask for "more"
I will add when I think of more. He is a lover, that is for sure.
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