The last week has been a huge amount of work preparing for this beatiful event. It is a beach wedding at her dad's house and much work needs to be done. When i got married, it was very traditional: church, country club, and St. Lucia for our honeymoon. I wish I would have had more creativity and had taken such a chance as to have it outside somewhere! So, Sarah has been the brave one. She is the 2nd sibling to get married. There are 4 of us. So, with my 4 children in tow, we planted a total of 82 hostas, 8 Climatis, 10 hydrangeas, and MANY planters full of annuals. Additionally, we spread 3 dump trucks FULL of mulch and pea gravel. My dear husband built 2 retaining walls with stone and worked his tail end off for 2 days straight. He did a fabulous job. Thank you for doing this for my sister!!! Let me tell you-I did not do this much to my own home after we built it!!!! I have to say, in a situation like this, you find out who your true friends are! :) There were over a dozen people there every day for a week. Sarah is so lucky to be married (for 24 hours now) to a man who has the most gracious and kindess of families. He is truly a a blessing to have in our family now and he thinks the world of her. That is all I could have wished for her.
Anyway, the big event was yesterday: August 16, 2008. Our day went as follows:
8:00am : Fed the baby, kids and packed bags for the wedding that Scott could bring with him.
9:00am : Went to the bank, store and to the beach to do last minute set up (Milla came with me.)
10:00am : Called American Girl to find out where the doll Flower Girl outfits were that I had 2 day shipped to me. Only to find out they NEVER shipped...
10:20am :Went to the Art Fair downtown to look for the vendors who sell boat loads of handmade doll clothes (the last 2 fairs had 2-3 vendors each) and none were there.
10:45am :Went to Michael's and found white eyelet doll "nightie's" that looked like Belle and Milla's dresses. Perfect!
11:00am : Stopped at the liquor store to pick up Bailey's for the bridesmaids. I think this is the first time I have ever purchased alcohol...I do not drink.
11:15am : Went back to the beach and got things ready for when we all got dressed in the Colonial House.
11:30am : Realized Sarah (the bride) did not have the appropriate scrapbook for the poloroid pics she was taking of all the guests...so I sent Alyssa (friend of the bride) back to my house to pick up the pages and Belle (I did not want Belle to come too early because she does not rally like Milla does :).)
12:00 : Went to the salon to begin hair appts!!!!! (FAST FORWARD)
5:00 : Went back the the beach, put up signs for parking, gift table, tiki torches, chairs for ceremony, etc.
6:30 : Get dressed for ceremony-guests begin to arrive but decide they need to drink BEFORE the ceremony and go THROUGH the yellow roped off area directly to the bar. Classy...
7:00 : We walk down to line up...kids are PERFECT and ready to walk down!! I am unbelieveably happy they have made it with NO naps and a 5 hour long salon day. :)
8:00 : Ceremony over-beautiful, perfect weather, no wind, kids great. Pictures perfect, people happy, sister HAPPY!!!!!
9:00 : Eating, drinking, dancing-Belle, Preston and Ollie are very tired. Scott's parents take them home to bed. Milla stays to dance with Elliana and Amelia Marie. NO surprise!
10:30 Amelia leaves with Ms Sarah and Amalia Marie
11:00 Still dancing-Scott does the Bird by Morris Day and the Times. Hilarious...
11:30 Party crasher roams in off the street-Dad has to ask him to leave. He was just "checking things out..."
1:00 People still dancing, eating the next phase of food-homemade mac n cheese, corn dogs, fried mushrooms, fruit etc. in chinese take out boxes. Such a cute idea.
2:00 Scott and I drive 6 people home and go home and CRASH!!!!
The day, as you can see, was exhausting yet lovely. I could not be happier for my sister and I know she can relax now and enjoy the these blissful days and weeks of newlywed fever. I have to thank my friends who have been a huge part of this-Sarah and Kristy. You made my sister's final moments before walking down the isle less stressed and perfect. The memories that she will have from your video and pics, Kristy, will always be treasured. Thank you...