Sunday, December 23, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

On our final shopping trip two days ago, we visited the Dollar Store for gift boxes. Ahead of us in line was a young mom and her two little girls. As she went to pay, she realized that the ten dollar bill that she thought was in her wallet was gone. She then tried her credit card and that was declined. Embarrassed, she said "I'll just put a few things back." It was then that the man behind her handed money to the cashier to pay for her things. She initially protested, but he insisted. She was ever so gracious as she pleaded for his address to pay him back. But he quickly said "Merry Christmas" and disappeared out the door. That man was my husband. And that's what Christmas is about. That's what I love about him. That's what I love about my children as they learn from these acts. It reminds me of my father, when I was young and still today. I hope that woman and her two sweet little girls have very Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 17, 2012


One of the things we chose to do this Christmas was to support some children in an orphanage in Mexico. A woman who was in our adoption group decided to take her family to Mexico and spend Christmas in an orphanage there. The building is cold and children sleep on cement slab. Many do not have warm pajamas or socks. So Scott and I took our kids shopping and picked out warm, fleece pajamas with fleece socks, toothbrushes and books. All essential items for a fun and warm bedtime. It was so neat watching even our little boys try to decide which color pajamas and which socks these girls might like. Our girls that we bought for happened to be young teenagers. I love that our kids "get" that many kids don't have the little things that ours take for granted. They need these gentle reminders in the society in which we live. To listen to their conversations amongst one another about what else they would love to give these girls. Melts my heart.

If I Were President...

Just a little follow up from the last post, this is a letter Preston wrote a few weeks ago stating what he would do if he were president.

Toys For Tots

Each year, GTACS teams up with Traverse City Fire Department and the State Theater to raise toys for children in need. Both Holy Angels and Immaculate Conception walked downtown and sang Christmas carols as they carried their toys to donate. Their toy was their "admission" to the movies. The state theater staff worked from 6 am to make popcorn for all the children as well as drinks for each. The fire department staff waited with Santa as the kids loaded their truck with gifts. As the kids filled the entire auditorium, the children prayed for all of the kids who would now have something to open at Christmas. Toys for Tots were actually short on toys this year, but after our schools filled the truck, the staff was pretty certain we made up for what was lacking. We are so proud to be a part of a school system and community who generously donate for causes like this. Not to mention the values we are teaching our children. At least once a month, our kids bring either goods or money to school for various causes around the community. It is so refreshing when dinner conversation revolves around who they can donate their piggy bank money to and how old they have to be to go on a mission trip. Thank you GTACS, TCFD and Traverse City State Theater!
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