Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Favorite...

Here is what we have been doing the last two days.

 Click here watch their new favorite music video. We read adoption blogs together and Scott and I have engrained in their little brains that adoption is a beautiful thing and it does not matter what color you are. It's about bringing children into loving homes so that they have a family and someone to love them.


Just a friendly reminder that Glee takes the Ice today at 1:30 and tonight at 7:30 at Centre Ice. The shows just get better every year! The music, the costumes and of course the talent is something to see!!!!

*For those of you wondering, the "appropriateness" of the show is G. :) The performance in no way depicts the topics displayed on the TV show. 

Bag Update...

One trip to Goodwill and many more to go. Here's the next pile getting ready. So far I've done:

*Isabelle's Room
*Eli's Closet
*A FRACTION of the Storage Room

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent. 40 Bags, 40 Days.

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. Scott went to mass with Isabelle and I went with Preston and Amelia. We talked as a family about what we will "give up" during this time. That will be on a later post. Preston is still "thinking." :)

My big project during this time is 40 bags, 40 days. I am going to go through our house and purge. Everything. I am starting in one room and on to the next. I am making a chart and checking it off as I go. Am I going to throw away the kids most cherished toys? No. But those stuffed animals that have not been touched in 2 years or the baby clothes in Eli's closet that are piled up: gone. There are other kids and people who need this stuff and I need to get my act in gear to do it. The kids are all for it. There are already 3 garbage bags full at the back door: 37 more to go! It will be so nice to start Spring on a CLEAN note!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Prayer Needed...

As you all know, orphans and adoption hold a special place in our family's heart. Many families in our community, as well as people all over the US, have brought or are in the process of bringing their children home from Ethiopia. Ethiopia has been a growing program over the last few years and just last year, more than 2500 orphans were able to join their forever homes! However, in the last few days, an article was written by Voice of America that can be read here.  Essentially, they are talking about limiting the number of adoption letters (Ethiopia requires a letter present in court before adoption can be final) processed per day to 5. This number was previously closer to 50! Therefore cutting adoptions in ET by 90%. While there are unethical agencies out there and it is probably necessary to investigate files closely to be sure that each child has been legitimately relinquished, there are still thousands of children waiting in orphanages. This will dramatically prolong their waiting. We personally know many families in process, beginning process or already home from ET. Those in process and beginning process will most likely be affected. PLEASE keep these families in your prayers as their littles wait for them to travel and for their court dates.

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