If you did not know, my best kitty Ariel died a few months ago. It was like losing a child for me because that's just the way pets are. She was the first gift Scott ever gave to me and she was the oldest of our cats, yet the last to pass. So when she died, I told Scott and the kids that all I wanted was another kitty for my birthday. Yes, I know, all we need is another animal. However, Jasmine has been very lonely. And, cats do better in pairs, in my opinion. Now for those of you who know me well, I have always been a long haired, Persian cat person. But I know my limitations and with my 5 kids, grooming is really not in the cards. SO, Belle and I went to the Humane Society. JUST to look. I had already been online and did not think I would find the "right" one there. But that all changed when I walked in and in the FIRST cage I went to was a kitten that looked just like Ivy (one of our previous cats) but with short hair. I immediately knew. I took her out and never looked back. Isabelle kept asking "Mama should we look at the other 40 kittens in here?" Nope. She was it. Charlotte. That is her name. Named after my favorite "Sex and the City" star. She is perfect. The other kitten you see in the pictures is my brother and sister in law's cat. They also got a kitten a few days later, in a different city, not even knowing we got one too!