Yes, my oldest daughter is seven years old. Her birthday was February 19 and I am way behind on my blogging. I just want to point out how special Isabelle's birthday was and why she is such a gift. Isabelle and her grandma J celebrate their birthdays in the same month: February. They share the same birthstone: Amethyst. But they also share something else. Grandma J turned 67 and Isabelle turned 7! Last year, it was the sixes, etc. This is a big deal for Belle. She looks so forward to having a birthday party with her to celebrate their same "numbers." Isabelle shares a special bond with grandma J. She went to visit during Spring Break and when she came back home she sobbed because she missed her so much. It is so nice to witness the closeness of the children to their relatives. They each seem to have unique bonds with different family members. It is just so cool to observe!
Well, back to the birthday. Isabelle has matured. She has grown. She has found a true passion for piano (and is she ever good) and figure skating. She has a new found confidence. She has stacked hair. She loves Justice and Matilda Jane clothing. She is empathetic, compassionate, affectionate and intelligent. She has a lot of friends and she is a HUGE help with her brothers and sister. Isabelle has become a little lady. She makes her bed every morning now and she does not cause all of us to be late anymore. Nope. No more tantrums, sassing, yelling, etc. She is a really nice little girl to be around! She even apologizes voluntarily when she does do something hurtful. Yeah Isabelle! We are so proud and love you so much!!